Puppies are cute, and Rottweilers are no exception. These dogs, known for being fiercely protective, are among some of the cutest dogs when they’re puppies. Raising them well will help ensure that they turn into outstanding adults.
How to raise a Rottweiler puppy?
Giving your puppy plenty of attention, allowing it to live in your home with the family, socialization with training, exercise and physical activities, regular vet care, and a quality diet make all the difference.
This video is a compilation of Rottweiler puppies and some of their more charming moments. It’s easy to see why so many people love Rottweilers, but they require good care to thrive.
How Much Attention Should Your Rottweiler Puppy Get?
Rottie puppies thrive on bonding with their family members. The more your dog bonds with members of your household, the easier things will be.
When you bring a Rottweiler puppy into your life, developing a loving yet respectful relationship is important for everyone involved. Your puppy needs to know that it belongs to your “pack” and respect your place as a leader.
Although giving your puppy attention matters, the background it comes from will make a difference. All puppies require a lot of attention to develop meaningful bonds. However, puppies from abusive environments may have different socialization needs.
The more attention your puppy gets after coming home, the better it will adjust in the long run. Remember that a puppy’s separation from its mother and siblings is mildly traumatic. Your Rottie will adapt better if given proper attention.
What Are the Best Ways to Socialize and Train Your Rottweiler Puppy?
Rottweilers are strong-willed and often push boundaries. However, they are also very smart and trainable.
Your puppy should get used to as many new people as possible. Use caution taking your puppy out in public until it has been properly vaccinated. Allow neighbors, friends, or family who come over to visit to interact with your puppy.
Start training your puppy early, and establish clear boundaries when you see your dog wandering out of bounds or chewing inappropriately. Firm commands like “No!”, “Stop!” or “Leave it!” with redirection will help teach your puppy what it can or can’t do.
Consider some basic obedience training once your puppy has had its shots. These classes are geared towards puppies, making them well-suited to teaching a puppy how they should behave. These classes will also let your puppy meet other dogs safely.
Make sure you housebreak your puppy as soon as possible, so it doesn’t get used to going in the house. Taking your Rottie outside with a firm “No!” when you catch it trying to go in the house is a good idea. Avoid screaming or physical abuse.
Crate training is an excellent way to get your puppy housebroken faster. You can also use the crate as a safe space to confine your puppy when you aren’t home. Over time, your puppy will come to see the crate as a type of “den.”
Rottweilers have strong bites, and it is a good idea to discourage certain biting behaviors when they are still puppies. “No!” or “Stop!” are effective when your puppy gets too nippy. Ensure your kids don’t encourage nipping when playing with the puppy.
Positive reinforcement works particularly well with these dogs. Petting and other types of attention are great rewards and food. Ensure you are consistent about using rewards, so your puppy understands what you expect.
Don’t hesitate to contact a trainer if you have difficulties training your puppy. Because Rotties are such strong, often willful dogs, professional help may not hurt. You may also prevent a world of problems later in your dog’s life.
How Should I Get my Rottweiler Puppy to Exercise and Play?
Adult Rottweilers have relatively modest exercise needs. These dogs are at their highest activity levels as puppies.
Many dog experts recommend figuring out how much exercise your Rottie puppy needs by multiplying five by the age in months. For example, a four-month-old puppy would get 20 to 40 minutes of exercise.
When your puppy reaches six months, it will do best with 30 to 60 minutes of exercise daily. Remember that, because of their size, Rottweilers do not fully mature until two or three years old.
You must find the right balance between keeping your puppy well-exercised and avoiding unnecessary strain. Puppies are susceptible to tissue and bone damage if subjected to exercise that is too vigorous for their growing frames.
When Should my Rottweiler Puppy See a Vet?
Mississippi Rottweilers emphasizes the importance of regular veterinary care for Rottie puppies to ensure proper growth and prevent disease.
Many breeders deworm puppies at regular intervals, starting at two weeks. Your vet will likely recommend a schedule for deworming your puppy. Over-the-counter dewormers work well, but your vet’s recommendation is best.
Your Rottweiler puppy will require vaccines every four weeks from the time they are six weeks old until 18 weeks. To keep your puppy from contracting disease, keep it in a crate when going to the vet until it has received all puppy shots.
Rabies shots will come a little later, but the required age may vary by state. After initial rabies vaccines, boosters are needed every 12 to 36 months. In all areas of the United States, rabies shots are legally required.
Starting your puppy on heartworm prevention as early as six to eight weeks is always a great idea. At the very least, your puppy should be on heartworm prevention by 16 weeks. Heartworm is expensive to treat, making prevention better.
Although some vets may spay or neuter puppies at six months, 12 to 18 months is more typical for this breed. After receiving all puppy and rabies shots, your dog will usually require yearly checkups to manage its health.
What Should I Feed my Rottweiler Puppy?
Rottie puppies do best on foods that encourage healthy muscle growth. Several options are great choices.
Food designed for large-breed puppies will provide most of the nutrition growing Rottweilers need. Grain-free foods are also suitable choices for Rottweiler puppies’ needs. A combination of dry and canned food works well.
Some puppies do well on raw food diets. However, you must ensure the ingredients are properly balanced unless you use commercially prepared raw food. Excessively fatty meats are best to avoid.
You might want to consider feeding the same brand of food that the breeder or rescue was using for your puppy. Continuing with the same food will minimize the chances of your puppy getting an upset stomach.
You Will Be Rewarded by Raising Your Rottweiler Puppy Well
Raising a Rottweiler puppy well helps ensure its health and well-being. Early socialization and training will get your puppy used to many new things. Sufficient time for play will increase your bond with your puppy and keep it busy.
Regular vet visits from an early age will help ensure your puppy grows into a healthy dog. Feeding a healthy diet will also help your puppy live a better life. Even though raising your puppy well takes effort, you will see long-term benefits.