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Are Rottweilers Hypoallergenic? What You Need to Consider Before Adopting

Are Rottweilers Hypoallergenic

You know the struggle too well if you’re a dog lover with allergies. Finding the perfect furry companion who won’t trigger your symptoms can seem impossible. Enter the Rottweiler, a breed known for its loyalty, intelligence, and protective nature.

But the question remains: are Rottweilers hypoallergenic? In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the facts behind this popular breed and whether or not they make a suitable companion for those with allergies.

Are Rottweilers Hypoallergenic?

Unfortunately, the answer is that Rottweilers are not hypoallergenic; they shed, which can spread dander and trigger allergy symptoms. However, they are only moderate shedders for most of the year, with two periods of heavier shedding. It’s important to note that no dog is truly hypoallergenic as they all produce allergens.

Although Rottweilers are not heavy shedders, they tend to drool or salivate, which can also contain allergens. So, while Rottweilers may not be the best choice for those with severe dog allergies, other breeds may be better suited for allergy sufferers.

Do Rottweilers Shed?

Yes, Rottweilers shed, but less than other breeds. They are considered a moderate shedding breed and will shed a moderate amount of hair throughout the year, with heavier shedding in the spring and fall. However, Rottweilers have a double coat that requires regular brushing to prevent matting and shedding.

Do You Have Allergies to Dogs?

You’ll know how frustrating it can be if you’ve ever suffered from hay fever or animal allergies. A blocked nose, scratchy throat, and watery eyes are all signs that you have an allergy to something.

For those whose symptoms are triggered by dogs, it can be heartbreaking. Owning a dog is one of life’s great joys. Some dogs are better for those with allergies than others, and these dogs are sold as being hypoallergenic.

Popular hypoallergenic dogs include:

  • Afghan Hound
  • American Hairless Terrier
  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Poodle
  • Portuguese Water Dog

If you’re interested in an exhaustive list of all hypoallergenic dogs, the American Kennel Club has what you need.

It’s important to reiterate that no dog is ever truly hypoallergenic. The phrase describes dogs who are less likely to trigger allergy symptoms in a person.

What Makes a Dog Hypoallergenic?

People with allergies find that dogs usually trigger their symptoms because of one (or all) of the following:

  • Hair
  • Dander
  • Saliva

Dog hair is an obvious cause of allergies. Some hair is very thick, and others are very fine, but those dogs who shed can leave their hair all over the place. But you may be surprised to hear that it’s not the strands of hair themselves that are causing the issue.

The proteins within the hair and the dog’s dander cause a person to react. Dander is essentially made up of microscopic skin cells and flakes of skin.

It’s like dandruff (hence the word connection); all animals with hair or fur, including humans, produce it. Dogs produce a lot of dander, and this is what you’re most likely to be allergic to.

Dogs who are sold as being hypoallergenic are those who produce very low amounts of dander. Often these dogs have little or no hair, as the hairier a dog is, the more dander they produce.

However, some people are allergic to a dog’s saliva, and as you’ll never find a dog that doesn’t produce saliva, no dog can ever be considered hypoallergenic.

Managing Allergies: Understanding the Rottweiler’s Coat and Dander

You might think that because a Rottweiler has very short hair, then there’s a chance they could be good for those with allergies or considered hypoallergenic.

But you may be surprised to know that despite having short hair, a Rottweiler has an incredibly thick coat of lots of hair.

Rottweilers have a double coat, which is essentially two layers of fur. One layer is usually thinner, the other much thicker. It’s what keeps your pet warm.

A Rottweiler usually sheds twice a year, a process known as ‘blowing out.’ They shed in the spring as they get rid of their thick winter coat, and then they shed again in the fall as they drop any dead hair to make way for the warm coat again.

Double coats with plenty of hair mean plenty of dander, too, so if you’re highly sensitive to pet dander, there’s a good chance the Rottweiler won’t be the dog for you.

However, all is not lost! There are ways to help reduce the issues that aggravate your allergies.

Overcoming Allergies: Tips for Owning a Rottweiler

We can’t blame you for being disappointed to hear that a Rottweiler might not be your choice. It can be especially gutting when you really had your heart set on one. However, it might not be a lost cause.

There are ways to combat the dander, which is most likely the cause of your allergies. And you’ll be pleased to hear that a Rottweiler does shed less than other dogs, and their hair is shorter, so they harvest less dander. If your dog’s allergies are mild, a Rottweiler could be a good choice.

Now, if you’re highly sensitive to a dog’s saliva, this won’t apply, and it’s always best to ask your doctor before deciding to take on a dog when you’re known to be allergic.

But some have dog allergies and have gone on to love and own many dogs, including the majestic Rottweiler.

Much of it involves hard work, but the rewards are great when you have your faithful, chunky Rottweiler.

Stay on Top of Hair and Dander

It’s simple science: if dander makes you sneeze, try to rid the house of as much of it as possible. Vacuum regularly, maybe even a couple of times a day during Rottie blowout seasons.

If possible, switch out your carpets for hardwood floors, which are much easier to clean, and don’t harvest the dander. Sweep regularly and vacuum; you’ll stay on top of the allergens.

Encourage your Rottweiler to avoid certain areas of the house, especially where you spend a lot of time. Train them not to jump on the furniture and keep your bedroom doors shut so they never go on your bed.

Keep your Rottweiler away from your clean laundry, too, so they don’t encounter your clothes and leave their dander on such items as underwear or towels.

Brushing, Brushing, and More Brushing!

Dander collects in your dog’s fur and hair; the longer you leave it, the more will accumulate. The only way to tackle this is to brush regularly, especially in shedding season.

Get a good quality brush with fine teeth to remove dead hair and dander, such as this one from Amazon, which is highly recommended.

Be sure to do all the brushing outside! Otherwise, you’ll worsen the problem as the microscopic hairs and dander fly all over your house so that you’re back to square one.

You can vacuum your Rottweiler, too. If they’re not afraid or antagonized by the vacuum cleaner, it’s a great way to run over their fur and remove excess dander quickly. A lot of Rotties also love it being done to them.

Bathing your Rottweiler is also essential and again cuts down on dander and shed hair. If you’re not too keen on all that hair in your bathroom, book them for regular appointments at their groomers.

In the good weather, allow your Rottweiler to be outside as much as possible. As long as they seem happy, are still getting good exercise, and are getting lots of love and attention, it’s another way to stop the shedding in your house.

Consider a Rottweiler Mix for Allergies

If, after all this effort, your allergies still wouldn’t cease, then consider a hybrid dog, a Rottweiler crossed with another dog considered hypoallergenic.

A Rottie-Poo, or a Rottweiler crossed with a Poodle, for example, could be a way to get all of your favorite Rottweiler goodness in the form of a dog who won’t aggravate your allergies.

Not Hypoallergenic, by Hyper-Adorable!

By looking after your Rottweiler’s coat and your house, you might find that your non-hypoallergenic Rottweiler can still be a welcome and loved family member even with dog allergies.

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