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Can Two Female Rottweilers Live Together? Uncovering the Surprising Truth

can two female rottweilers live together

A Brief Sketch of the Rottweiler

Rottweilers are very intelligent, playful, and strong. They stand over 20 inches in height and can weigh anywhere from 77-132 lbs.

Rottweilers born in the same litter play together like puppies, even when they are of the same sex. And pet owners who adopt them typically want to keep both siblings. But evidence shows that two females living together may not be a good idea.

Can Two Female Rottweilers Live Together

Two female Rottweilers can live together, but a few critical considerations need to be taken before doing so. Female Rottweilers can sometimes struggle to get along, as they may attempt to compete for dominance or resources such as food and toys. This can result in territorial disputes, which can become violent if not monitored.

Common Myths

There are some common misconceptions about males and females in general. One is that we think of females as being far less territorial than guys, and therefore, they are less likely to compete than males.

They are assumed to be more docile and less aggressive. But making those judgments and acting on them could have dire consequences for you and the dogs.

Sibling Rivalry: What You Should Keep in Mind

You should keep in mind that dogs of any breed are just like children in that they experience that green-eyed monster called jealousy. They may not constantly vie for the attention of a man. But female Rottweilers will squabble over things that appear to be trivial.

Who Goes First?

Imagine this: You come home every day after work and are greeted by your two female Rottweilers racing toward the door. One dog always pushes ahead of the other so it can be the first one to see you.

This act may seem trivial, but it’s worth noting that the alpha is the dog that pushes ahead and greets you first.

Females will fight over toys and treat just like women might over dates. Sharing is unthinkable, especially when your domain Rottie feels she’s entitled to the finest things. Some animal behaviorists advise locking those items up right away.

What Makes Female Rottweilers So Competitive?

Hormonal changes are an underlying cause of severe and sometimes deadly competition among female Rottweilers. These changes occur during the second or third year and can trigger mood swings. This phase is known as puberty.

Owners may have challenges dealing with behavior changes during this phase, and the problem becomes exaggerated when you have more than one female Rottweiler living in your household.

Who’s The Boss?

Dogs are social and thrive in packs out in the wild. Despite centuries of being domesticated, some instincts remain. Sibling rivalry among females is one of them.

Female dogs have one problem: the question of who the boss is. Out in the wild, only one female is granted the honor of being the alpha female. For households wanting to adopt two females instead of one, this poses the risk of a fight.

Sadly, this means that it may not be such a great idea to introduce a new female puppy into the mix. This is especially true when your Rottie is approaching her golden years when she loses her fertility and begins to experience age-related problems.

Does Rottweiler Age Matter?

Like most other species, dogs are subjected to age-related problems. They can tire more easily, have back pain, and even lose their hearing. And for two females, this has some unique challenges.

An aging alpha female will fight to maintain her high position within the pack. A new puppy will soon grow to compete with her to attain that status. She will want to enjoy the perks that come with it, such as being the first to access food and treats.

You can tell who the head dog is when you enter a room. It’s the one who enters first and greets you. She is the first to choose the toys she wants and will stop at nothing to get only the best. But there’s more to her status than that.

Feeling Threatened

Dogs rely on social order within the pack. There is often a hierarchy where dominant members enjoy the benefits of leadership roles, such as access to the best toys.

Aging-pack females may feel threatened when a younger female is introduced into the mix. For dog owners, you are more likely to witness fights that can become deadly over time.

The younger dog will see the older one as weak and therefore try and aggressively claim her spot as the new alpha female.

Sometimes a slight separation is needed while both parties cool off. However, if things turn violent, it may be advisable to call for outside help. A behavioral specialist may be able to help with behavior training and advise you on what to do next.

As an owner, you may want to initiate playtime for both dogs. You could take the younger dog out for her daily walk so she can release some of that unrequited energy.

Breeding Rights

Loss of fertility means that an alpha could lose her status in the pack. A younger dog may claim her role as the new leader. This can happen when hormonal changes occur, typically around 2-3 years of age, when younger females officially enter puberty.

In the wild, the aging female will typically leave when she finds that she has lost her top position. It is ill-advised for dog owners to introduce a puppy to a female who is rapidly approaching old age.

Females of the Same Age

Females of the same age may appear to get along at first, especially if they are litter sisters. It is usual for them to romp and play together. And this usually happens up until the dawn of puberty.

Some personality traits may set a strong precedent for who will be dominant and more inclined towards submissive behavior. Owners should observe and note the following behaviors that indicate submissiveness in the less dominant dog:

  • Rolling over and showing others their belly
  • Lack of eye contact or turning away in the presence of other dogs
  • Backing or walking away with her tail tucked between her legs
  • Letting their opponent win at tug of war
  • Backing away when the dominant dog steals their food or their toys
  • Peeing when other dogs are around

The latter two behavior traits may indicate fear, especially if the submissive female was bullied or attacked by a dominant alpha.

On the flip side, it’s critical to also beware of any behaviors which indicate dominance:

  • Engaging in “guarding” behavior by stealing and protecting toys, food, and treats
  • Pushing other dogs away to get to the front of the line for food or toys
  • Attempting to intimidate other dogs by staring them down or glowering
  • Mounting
  • Excessive growling in the presence of other dogs

Mounting behavior is done during mating season. But for two same-sex dogs, it indicates dominance. With females, the one on top is considered the alpha. The dog underneath may soon feel tired of it and move to defend herself, which could have terrible consequences for owners.

These are a few handy observations for pet owners to consider before getting a dog. With females, it is considered inadvisable to try and adopt two for the same household.

Related Questions

Are dominant or submissive traits permanent?

The answer is no. The degree to which these personality traits change depends on time and circumstance.

For example, a dominant female may eventually become submissive due to age and infirmity. She may eventually reach a point where she realizes she is no longer in charge and may allow the younger dog to claim her old alpha role. She may feel too weak to defend her title once an illness or condition strikes.

A Rottweiler is naturally strong, so when two females fight, injury or even death may result. However, changes in behavior with female Rottweilers don’t mean that you should have two living under your roof. It’s important to remember that behavior problems will result no matter how close they are as puppies.

Can You Adopt Two Rottweilers of the Opposite Sex?

If you’re looking to raise two Rottweilers, it’s best to have a male and a female. Opposite-sex dogs have a better advantage because there is less competition.

Two opposite-sex Rottweilers can entertain each other and make excellent lifelong companions. However, if you don’t want puppies, it’s best to get them both fixed.

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